Early College Affiliated Instructor Application 2025-26 We welcome new and returning high school instructors to apply to teach SCSU early college courses. If you are a returning instructor, please take a moment to complete this form fully. We have found instructors have updated last names or new high schools, and we are using this database to keep track of any changes. If you are teaching the same course, we do not need a new letter or reference, CV, or transcripts that you already provided; if you are teaching a new course, we need a new syllabus. For new applications, we recommend you gather all materials in advance: including a copy of your proposed syllabus, resume, letter of reference, graduate and undergraduate transcripts (unless your degrees were from SCSU). Following your submission, the relevant SCSU faculty liaison will review all materials and determine if you meet their qualifications to teach the specific SCSU course(s) as an Early College instructor. The review may take up to 8 weeks. Should you not hear a response after that time, do reach out to your faculty liaison.Apply by March 15, 2025 for courses to be taught during the 2025-26 school year. If you have any questions about the materials requested, or to request a sample syllabus to confirm curricular alignment, please contact the subject area Faculty Liaison, found under “teacher inquiries” on the Contact page of our website: https://www.southernct.edu/early-college/contact Important Notes before you begin:This application form must be completed in one sitting.It is recommended that you collect the following documents prior to starting this application. You may upload them within this application, or in your application portal after you have submitted this form: your college transcripts (undergraduate and graduate)your resume/CVa detailed cover letter describing your relevant background and qualifications to teach specific SCSU course(s)one letter of recommendation from your principal, department head, or a colleague (if you are the department head)a proposed course syllabus for each course for which approval is being soughtLoading...Personal InformationFirst NamePreferred NameLast NameBirthdateBirthdateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Preferred Email Address (keep in mind that some schools may block emails from outside your district)Secondary EmailPhone NumberMailing AddressMailing AddressCountryStreetCityRegionPostal Code If you ever attended Southern CT State University, please enter your Banner ID or your Southern email address here: School InformationEC Contact Relation (HIDDEN)CounselorEC TeacherPrincipalScheduling ContactPlease select your High School from the following list of approved partner schools.If your school or district is not on this list, please contact earlycollege@southernct.edu to request more information about becoming a partner. A.I. Prince Technical High SchoolACES Education Center for the ArtsAchievement First Amistad High SchoolAerospace/Hydrospace, Engineering and Physical Sciences Magnet High SchoolAmity Regional High SchoolAnsonia High SchoolBassick High SchoolBerlin High SchoolBiotechnology Research and Zoological Sciences Magnet High SchoolBridgeport Military AcademyBridgeport Regional Vocational Aquaculture High SchoolBrien McMahon High SchoolBristol Central High SchoolBristol Eastern High SchoolBristol Preparatory AcademyBristol Technical Education CenterBullard-Havens Technical High SchoolBunnell High SchoolCedarhurst/Yale School of MedicineCenter for Global StudiesCentral High SchoolCheshire High SchoolCoginchaug Regional High SchoolCommon GroundConard High SchoolCooperative High School Inter-District MagnetCoventry High SchoolCrosby High SchoolCT Aero Tech School for Aviation Maintenance TechniciansDaniel Hand High SchoolDerby High SchoolE.C. Goodwin Technical High SchoolEast Haven High SchoolEli Whitney Technical High SchoolElla T. Grasso Technical High SchoolEmmett O'Brien Technical High SchoolFairfield Ludlowe High SchoolFairfield Warde High SchoolGreenwich High SchoolGriswold High SchoolH.C. Wilcox Technical High SchoolHall High SchoolHamden Collaborative Learning CenterHamden High SchoolHarding High SchoolHarvard H. Ellis Technical High SchoolHenry Abbott Technical High SchoolHigh School in the CommunityHighville Charter High SchoolHill Regional Career High SchoolHowell Cheney Technical High SchoolInformation Technology and Software Engineering High SchoolJ.M. Wright Technical High SchoolJames Hillhouse High SchoolJoel Barlow High SchoolJonathan Law High SchoolJoseph A. Foran High SchoolKennedy High SchoolKolbe Cathedral High SchoolLyman Hall High SchoolMadina AcademyMark T. Sheehan High SchoolMasuk High SchoolMetropolitan Business AcademyMiddletown High SchoolNaugatuck High SchoolNew Haven AcademyNew London High School, Multi-Magnet CampusNewtown High SchoolNonnewaug High SchoolNorth Branford High SchoolNorth Haven High SchoolNorwalk High SchoolNorwich Technical High SchoolOliver Wolcott Technical High SchoolP-TECH NorwalkPlainfield High SchoolPlatt Technical High SchoolPomperaug High SchoolPortland High SchoolRAISE AcademyRham High SchoolRiverside Education AcademyRockville High SchoolSacred Heart AcademySAILS - Bunnell High SchoolShelton High SchoolSound SchoolSouthington High SchoolSt. Thomas MoreStaples High SchoolStratford High SchoolStratford School for Aviation Maintenance TechniciansThomaston High SchoolTorrington High SchoolTrumbull High SchoolVinal Technical High SchoolW.F Kaynor Technical High SchoolWallingford High SchoolWaterbury Arts Magnet SchoolWaterbury Career Academy High SchoolWeaver High SchoolWest Haven High SchoolWilbur Cross High SchoolWilby High SchoolWindham Technical High SchoolWoodland Regional High SchoolEarly College Subject AreaYour application will be reviewed by the SCSU department chair who oversees the curriculum in the relevant area. The disciplines below correspond to the Course Prefix that can be found in the SCSU Catalog. If you are uncertain of the prefix for your course, please consult the catalog. **NOTE: At present, we are not approving any concurrent enrollment courses in Biology, English, or History; however, your students may still enroll in courses with empty seats in these disciplines that are taught on the SCSU campus.**I am applying to teach one or more courses in the following discipline(s): *You may select up to 2 disciplines for each application – if you are teaching a course you were already approved to teach, you must also submit that course so we have a record of when it will be taught next academic year.I am applying to teach one or more courses in the following discipline(s): *You may select up to 2 disciplines for each application – if you are teaching a course you were already approved to teach, you must also submit that course so we have a record of when it will be taught next academic year.Accounting - ACCAnthropology - ANTArt & Design - ARTBiology - BIOChemistry & Biochemistry - CHECommunication Disorders - CMDCommunication, Media & Screen Studies - CMSComputer Science - CSCCurriculum & Learning - EDUEarth Science - ESCEconomics - ECOEnvironmental Studies - ENVFinance & Real Estate - FINGeography - GEOHealth & Movement Sciences - HMSHealthcare Systems & Innovation - HLSJournalism - JRNManagement & International Business - MGTMarine Sciences - MARMarketing - MKTMathematics - MATMusic - MUSPhysics - PHY & EGRPolitical Science - PSCPsychology - PSYPublic Health - PCHSocial Work - SWKSociology - SOCSpecial Education - SEDSport Management - SMTTheatre - THRTourism Hospitality Event Management - THEWomen’s & Gender Studies - WGSWorld Languages - WLL/CHI/FRE/ITA/SPA The only Math Courses available to teach as SCSU Early College Concurrent Courses in the High School include: MAT 103, MAT 107, MAT 120, MAT122, and MAT 150. [Note: The curriculum in these courses presuppose that students have already passed MAT 100, which is about the same as Algebra 1 in high school.]Math Instructor Qualifications: Preferred: a master’s degree in math or math education. Prospective instructors should have completed a graduate level course in real analysis or the equivalent. Alternate Experience Includes: A strong bachelor’s degree in math, and enrollment in a master’s program in math or math education. The potential instructor should have completed a course in real analysis, or a course in advanced calculus. A strong bachelor’s degree in math, and a master’s degree in education. The potential instructor should have completed a course in real analysis, or a course in advanced calculus.Humanities Instructor requirements: Must have FAA license to teach JRN170 Master’s in discipline for PSC 200 and PSC260 Healthcare Instructor requirements: HLS 200 Instructor qualifications include: RN license and experience; Access to approved fieldwork lab site(s) also necessary. Uniforms are required for clinical. Max 10 students per clinical instructor. PCH200 - Must be licensed nutritionist to teach. Business Instructor requirements: MBA degree JD required to teach MGT 240Instructor Qualifications: Do you have at minimum a Master’s or JD degree?Note: if you do not meet the stated qualifications, your application will be denied. You may reapply at a future date if your qualifications change. Instructor Qualifications: Do you have at minimum a Master’s or JD degree?Note: if you do not meet the stated qualifications, your application will be denied. You may reapply at a future date if your qualifications change. YesNoEarly College Course InformationEarly College Course you will teach:ACC 200 - Principles of Financial AccountingANT 101 - Cultural AnthropologyANT 102 - Biological AnthropologyANT 252 - Introduction Forensic ScienceART 114 - Digital Foundations for Art & DesignART 150 - Introduction to Drawing IART 236 - Ceramics I: Hand-BuildingART 264 - Introduction to Digital PhotographyBIO 102 - Biology ICHE 120 - General Chemistry ICHE 121 - General Chemistry IICHI 198 - Building Community ConnectionCHI 198 - Sustainable Living PracticesCHI 298 - Advancing Inclusivity and SustainabilityCOM 101 - Public SpeakingCOM 212 - Visual CommunicationCSC 101 - Introduction to Computers and ApplicationsCSC 104 - Web TechnologyCSC 152 - CS1: Programming FundamentalsCSC 200 - Information Management and Productivity SoftwareECO 100 - Principles of MacroeconomicsEDU 106 - New Literacies: Digital Text and Tools for LearningEDU 198 - Special TopicsEDU 200 - Teachers, Schools and SocietyEGR 151 - Engineering ConceptsENV 101 - Critical Thinking: Global Environmental IssuesESC 103 - General GeologyFIN 200 - Critical Thinking in FinanceGEO 200 - Human GeographyGEO 201 - Physical GeographyHLS 200 - Health Professions and Medical TerminologyHMS 160 - Introduction to Exercise & Sport ScienceJRN 101 - The Media: Freedom and PowerJRN 170 - Basic Drone TechnologyMAR 140 - The World OceanMAT 103 - Mathematics for Liberal ArtsMAT 107 - Elementary StatisticsMAT 120 - College AlgebraMAT 122 - PreCalculusMAT 150 - Calculus IMGT 100 - Introduction to BusinessMGT 200 - Managerial CommunicationMGT 240 - Business Law and EthicsMKT 200 - Principles of MarketingMUS 117 - Introduction to Music TechnologyPCH 200 - Introduction to NutritionPCH 201 - WellnessPCH 202 - Introduction to Public HealthPCH 265 - Illness and DiseasePHY 200 - General Physics IPSC 200 - Political Change and ConflictPSC 260 - U.S. GovernmentPSY 100 - Introduction to PsychologyPSY 227 - Social PsychologySMT 185 - Introdution to E-SportsSMT 271 - Foundations of Sport ManagementSOC 100 - Introduction to SociologySOC 162 - Introduction to CriminologySWK 200 - Social Welfare and Social Services in AmericaTHE 260 - Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality & Event ManagementTHR 121 - Foundations of ActingWGS 100 - Dynamics of Gender, Race and ClassWLL 198 - Special TopicsIn what term will the students take this course? Select one option.In what term will the students take this course? Select one option.Summer 2025Fall 2025/Spring 2026 (full-year)Fall 2025Spring 2026What is the number of Students you anticipate will take this Course?If the course you are proposing must be approved through your local board of education, please enter a date by which is must be approved by SCSU.Note: SCSU will make every attempt to prioritize courses that require external approval, but cannot guarantee a response.If the course you are proposing must be approved through your local board of education, please enter a date by which is must be approved by SCSU.Note: SCSU will make every attempt to prioritize courses that require external approval, but cannot guarantee a response.JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303120242025Have you previously taught this Early College course at SCSU?Have you previously taught this Early College course at SCSU?YesNoin what Term and Year did you teach this course?Do you want to add another course you will teach?Do you want to add another course you will teach?YesNo#2 Early College Course you will teach:ACC 200 - Principles of Financial AccountingANT 101 - Cultural AnthropologyANT 102 - Biological AnthropologyANT 252 - Introduction Forensic ScienceART 114 - Digital Foundations for Art & DesignART 150 - Introduction to Drawing IART 236 - Ceramics I: Hand-BuildingART 264 - Introduction to Digital PhotographyBIO 102 - Biology ICHE 120 - General Chemistry ICHE 121 - General Chemistry IICHI 198 - Building Community ConnectionCHI 198 - Sustainable Living PracticesCHI 298 - Advancing Inclusivity and SustainabilityCOM 101 - Public SpeakingCOM 212 - Visual CommunicationCSC 101 - Introduction to Computers and ApplicationsCSC 104 - Web TechnologyCSC 152 - CS1: Programming FundamentalsCSC 200 - Information Management and Productivity SoftwareECO 100 - Principles of MacroeconomicsEDU 106 - New Literacies: Digital Text and Tools for LearningEDU 198 - Special TopicsEDU 200 - Teachers, Schools and SocietyEGR 151 - Engineering ConceptsENV 101 - Critical Thinking: Global Environmental IssuesESC 103 - General GeologyFIN 200 - Critical Thinking in FinanceGEO 200 - Human GeographyGEO 201 - Physical GeographyHLS 200 - Health Professions and Medical TerminologyHMS 160 - Introduction to Exercise & Sport ScienceJRN 101 - The Media: Freedom and PowerJRN 170 - Basic Drone TechnologyMAR 140 - The World OceanMAT 103 - Mathematics for Liberal ArtsMAT 107 - Elementary StatisticsMAT 120 - College AlgebraMAT 122 - PreCalculusMAT 150 - Calculus IMGT 100 - Introduction to BusinessMGT 200 - Managerial CommunicationMGT 240 - Business Law and EthicsMKT 200 - Principles of MarketingMUS 117 - Introduction to Music TechnologyPCH 200 - Introduction to NutritionPCH 201 - WellnessPCH 202 - Introduction to Public HealthPCH 265 - Illness and DiseasePHY 200 - General Physics IPSC 200 - Political Change and ConflictPSC 260 - U.S. GovernmentPSY 100 - Introduction to PsychologyPSY 227 - Social PsychologySMT 185 - Introdution to E-SportsSMT 271 - Foundations of Sport ManagementSOC 100 - Introduction to SociologySOC 162 - Introduction to CriminologySWK 200 - Social Welfare and Social Services in AmericaTHE 260 - Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality & Event ManagementTHR 121 - Foundations of ActingWGS 100 - Dynamics of Gender, Race and ClassWLL 198 - Special Topics#2 In what term will the students take this course? Select one option.#2 In what term will the students take this course? Select one option.Summer 2025Fall 2025/Spring 2026 (full-year)Fall 2025Spring 2026#2 What is the number of Students you anticipate will take this Course?#2 If the course you are proposing must be approved through your local board of education, please enter a date by which is must be approved by SCSU.Note: SCSU will make every attempt to prioritize courses that require external approval, but cannot guarantee a response.#2 If the course you are proposing must be approved through your local board of education, please enter a date by which is must be approved by SCSU.Note: SCSU will make every attempt to prioritize courses that require external approval, but cannot guarantee a response.JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303120242025#2 Have you previously taught this Early College course at SCSU?#2 Have you previously taught this Early College course at SCSU?YesNo#2 In what Term and Year did you teach this course?The following documents are required to complete your application. Please upload documents here.After submitting this form, you will receive an email with a link to your personalized application portal where you may submit additional documents for your application file. If you attended SCSU, you do NOT need to upload your SCSU transcript; please be sure to list this prominently in your cover letter and include your Student ID/Email as requested above.Please upload your current Resume/CV herePlease upload a detailed cover letter describing relevant background and qualifications to teach specific SCSU course(s)One letter of recommendation from your principal, department head, or a colleague (if you are the department head)Undergraduate transcripts (if approved, you will need to provide official transcripts)Graduate transcripts (if approved, you will need to provide official transcripts)A proposed course syllabus for each course for which approval is being soughtAdd a second syllabus, if applicableDeleteSyllabus _ID_A proposed course syllabus for each course for which approval is being soughtSecond Syllabus Please indicate if you have any questions regarding your EC Instructor Application. By submitting this form, I understand that obtaining approval requires me to adhere to all standards set by Southern Connecticut State University. I also understand that professional development and evaluation are necessary each semester to remain approved to teach SCSU Early College courses. By submitting this form, I understand that obtaining approval requires me to adhere to all standards set by Southern Connecticut State University. I also understand that professional development and evaluation are necessary each semester to remain approved to teach SCSU Early College courses.I agreeSubmit