How to Apply to SCSUTuesday, April 29, 2025 at 12:00 PM until 12:30 PMEastern Daylight Time UTC -04:00Thank you for your interest in Southern. We look forward to connecting with you!* = Required FieldStudent Biographical InformationLevel- HIDDENUndergraduateGraduateGraduate Non-MatriculantUndergraduateUndergraduate Non-MatriculantContinuing EducationFirst NameLast NamePreferred First NameBirthdateBirthdateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Student Contact InformationEmail AddressConfirm Email AddressMobile Phone NumberStudent Academic InformationWhat school do you currently attend? Begin typing your school to find a match.What level of study is this school?High SchoolUndergraduateGraduateCEEB Code: HIDDENAnticipated Degree ProgramAnthropology - Archaeology - BSAnthropology - BAAnthropology - Biological Anthropology - BSAnthropology - Cultural Anthropology - BSAnthropology - General - BSAnthropology - Linguistics - BSArt Education - BSArt History - BAAthletic Training - BS to MAT Accelerated PathwayBehavioral Neuroscience - BSBiology - BABiology - General - BSBiology - Pre-Med - BSBiology - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSBiotechnology - BSBusiness Administration - Accounting - BSBusiness Administration - Business Economics - BSBusiness Administration - Business Information Systems - BSBusiness Administration - Finance - BSBusiness Administration - Human Resource Management – BSBusiness Administration - International Business - BSBusiness Administration - Management - BSBusiness Administration - Marketing - BSBusiness Administration - Public Utilities Management - BSChemistry - Biochemistry - BSChemistry - Environmental Chemistry - BSChemistry - General - BAChemistry - General - BSChemistry - Pre-Health - BSChemistry - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSCommunication Disorders - BSCommunication, Media, and Screen Studies - Film, Television, and Media Production - BACommunication, Media, and Screen Studies - General - BAComputer Science - General - BSComputer Science - Information Systems - BSData Science - BSEarly Childhood Education - BSEarth Science - BAEarth Science - Environmental Science - BSEarth Science - General - BSEarth Science - Geology - BSEarth Science - Natural Hazards - BSEarth Science - Natural Resources - BSEarth Science - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSEconomics - BAElementary Education - Bilingual - BSElementary Education - BSEnergy and Utility Leadership - BSEnglish - Creative Writing - BAEnglish - English Studies - BAEnglish - Professional Writing - BAEnglish - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSEnvironmental Systems and Sustainability Studies - Coastal Marine Systems - BSEnvironmental Systems and Sustainability Studies - Environmental Systems - BSEnvironmental Systems and Sustainability Studies - Sustainability Science and Environmental Policy - BSExercise and Sport Science - Allied Health - BSExercise and Sport Science - Sport Science - BSExploratory - Arts and Humanities (Undeclared)Exploratory - Business (Undeclared)Exploratory - Education (Undeclared)Exploratory - Health and Human Services (Undeclared)Exploratory - Social and Behavioral Sciences (Undeclared)Exploratory - STEM (Undeclared)Exploratory - Still Deciding (Undeclared)French - BAFrench - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSGeneral Studies - Business Theme - BAGeneral Studies - Educational Studies - BAGeneral Studies - Health and Community Service - BAGeneral Studies - Humanities Theme - BAGeneral Studies - Self-Designed Theme - BAGeneral Studies - Social Science Theme - BAGeneral Studies - STEM Theme - BAGeography - BAGeography - Geographic Information Science and Technology - BSHealth and Wellness Coaching - BSHealth Science - BHScHealthcare Management - BSHealthcare Studies - Clinical Trials Administration and Practice – BSHealthcare Studies - General - BSHealthcare Studies - Speech Language Pathology Assistant - BSHealthcare Studies - STEM Foundations of NursingHealthcare Studies - Therapeutic Recreation in Aging - BSHistory - BAHistory - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSInterdisciplinary Studies - BAInterdisciplinary Studies - BSItalian - BAItalian - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSJournalism - BAJournalism - BSMathematics - Applied - BSMathematics - BSMathematics - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSMathematics - Statistics - BSMusic - BAMusic Therapy - BSNursing - Accelerated Career Entry (ACE) - BSNursing - BSNursing - For RN's - BSPhilosophy - BAPhysical Education - preK-12 School Health Education - BS to MS Accelerated PathwayPhysical Education - preK-12 Teacher Certification - BSPhysics - BAPhysics - Engineering - BSPhysics - General - BSPhysics - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSPolitical Science - BAPolitical Science - General - BSPolitical Science - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSPsychology - Applied Behavior Analysis - BSPsychology - BAPsychology - BSPsychology - Mental Health - BAPublic Health - BSRecreational Therapy - BSRecreational Therapy - Child Life Specialist - BSRecreational Therapy - Rehabilitation (RT-OT) - BSRecreational Therapy - Youth Development and Leadership - BSRespiratory Therapy - Leadership - BSRTRespiratory Therapy - Leadership - BSRT OnlineSocial Work - BSSociology - BASociology - Criminology and Criminal Justice - BSSpanish - Health and Human Service Professional - BSSpanish - Hispanic Studies - BSSpanish - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSSpanish - Translation Studies - BSSpecial Education - K-12 - BSSpecial-Elementary Education Collaborative - BSSport Management - BSSport Management - Online - BSStudio Art - BAStudio Art - Ceramics - BSStudio Art - Graphic Design - BSStudio Art - Jewelry and Metals - BSStudio Art - Painting - BSStudio Art - Photography and Video - BSStudio Art - Printmaking - BSStudio Art - Sculpture - BSTheatre - BATourism, Hospitality, and Event Management - Event Management - BSTourism, Hospitality, and Event Management - Hospitality - BSTourism, Hospitality, and Event Management - Tourism - BSAnticipated Start TermFall 2025Spring 2026Fall 2026Spring 2027Fall 2027Fall 2028Fall 2029Submit