Prospective Transfer Credit EvaluationLoading...Level - HIDDENGraduateGraduate Non-MatriculantUndergraduateUndergraduate Non-MatriculantContinuing EducationStudent Type - HIDDENFirst YearHigh School - Early CollegeNew GraduateNon-DegreeNon-MatriculantPost-BaccalaureateReadmitTransferContinuing EducationThank you for your interest in Southern. We look forward to meeting you!* = Required FieldThis form is intended for prospective transfer students who are interested in seeing how their credits will transfer into SCSU. Please check the TES Public View for existing equivalencies prior to completing this form. Preferred NameFirst NameLast NameCell Phone: Email:Date of BirthDate of BirthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Did you check our TES Public View to see if these classes have equivalencies?Did you check our TES Public View to see if these classes have equivalencies?YesNoOur current transfer credit equivalencies are located in our TES Public View. We encourage prospective students to use this tool to immediately see how their credits will transfer in. If your course isn't posted in our TES Public View, please submit this form. Since faculty determine all of our transfer credit evaluations, it can take up to two weeks until we can complete the evaluation depending on the time of year or volume of requests.Transfer College or University InformationTransfer Credit InformationPlease fill out the subject, course number, credit, and grade you received at your transfer institution (max. 10 courses per request). If you have more than one school, please fill out a separate form. Only courses completed with grades of “C-" or better can be transferred. Students will not receive duplicate credit for any course in which they have already earned credit, and transfer credits are not computed into your cumulative GPA. School NameHidden: School CEEBSubject:Course Number:Credits:Grade:A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-Status - HiddenTo Be ReviewedOut For Chair ReviewCompleteCancelledDeniedDo you have another class to add?Do you have another class to add?YesNoSchool NameHidden: School CEEBSubject:Course Number:Credits:Grade:AA+A-BB+B-CC+C-DD+D-Status - HiddenTo Be ReviewedOut For Chair ReviewCompleteCancelledDeniedDo you have another class to add?Do you have another class to add?YesNoSchool NameHidden: School CEEBSubject:Course Number:Credits:Grade:AA+A-BB+B-CC+C-DD+D-Status - HiddenTo Be ReviewedOut For Chair ReviewCompleteCancelledDeniedDo you have another class to add?Do you have another class to add?YesNoSchool NameHidden: School CEEBSubject:Course Number:Credits:Grade:AA+A-BB+B-CC+C-DD+D-Status - HiddenTo Be ReviewedOut For Chair ReviewCompleteCancelledDeniedDo you have another class to add?Do you have another class to add?YesNoSchool NameHidden: School CEEBSubject:Course Number:Credits:Grade:AA+A-BB+B-CC+C-DD+D-Status - HiddenTo Be ReviewedOut For Chair ReviewCompleteCancelledDeniedDo you have another class to add?Do you have another class to add?YesNoSchool NameHidden: School CEEBSubject:Course Number:Credits:Grade:AA+A-BB+B-CC+C-DD+D-Status - HiddenTo Be ReviewedOut For Chair ReviewCompleteCancelledDeniedDo you have another class to add?Do you have another class to add?YesNoSchool NameHidden: School CEEBSubject:Course Number:Credits:Grade:AA+A-BB+B-CC+C-DD+D-Status - HiddenTo Be ReviewedOut For Chair ReviewCompleteCancelledDeniedDo you have another class to add?Do you have another class to add?YesNoSchool NameHidden: School CEEBSubject:Course Number:Credits:Grade:AA+A-BB+B-CC+C-DD+D-Status - HiddenTo Be ReviewedOut For Chair ReviewCompleteCancelledDeniedDo you have another class to add?Do you have another class to add?YesNoSchool NameHidden: School CEEBSubject:Course Number:Credits:Grade:AA+A-BB+B-CC+C-DD+D-Status - HiddenTo Be ReviewedOut For Chair ReviewCompleteCancelledDeniedDo you have another class to add?Do you have another class to add?YesNoSchool NameHidden: School CEEBSubject:Course Number:Credits:Grade:AA+A-BB+B-CC+C-DD+D-Status - HiddenTo Be ReviewedOut For Chair ReviewCompleteCancelledDeniedUpload Your Unofficial Transcript Here:Please upload a copy of your unofficial transcript here. Do not delete any existing documents.Submit