Early College Instructor Application 2024-25

    We welcome high school instructors to apply to teach SCSU early college courses. Keep in mind that our minimum qualification is a master’s degree. Please complete this application fully (gather all materials in advance: including a copy of your proposed syllabus, resume, letter of reference, graduate and undergraduate transcripts).
    Following your submission, the appropriate Southern Connecticut State University academic department will review the materials and determine if you meet their qualifications to teach the specific SCSU course(s) as an Early College instructor.

    Apply by March 15 for best consideration for the 2024-25 school year.

    If you have any questions about the materials requested, or to request a sample syllabus to confirm curricular alignment, please contact EarlyCollege@southernct.edu


    Important Notes before you begin:

    • This application must be completed in one sitting.
    • Please collect the following documents prior to starting this application. You must upload them within this application:
      • your college transcripts (undergraduate and graduate)
      • your resume/CV
      • a detailed cover letter describing your relevant background and qualifications to teach specific SCSU course(s)
      • one letter of recommendation from your principal, department head, or a colleague (if you are the department head)
      • a proposed course syllabus for each course for which approval is being sought

    Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.