SCSU Undergraduate Request For Information Thank you for your interest in Southern Connecticut State University. By completing the following information, we can easily keep in touch with you about upcoming events and opportunities at Southern. Graduate students please use the Graduate Request for Information Form.* = Required fields Loading...Student InformationLevel - HIDDENGraduateGraduate Non-MatriculantUndergraduateUndergraduate Non-MatriculantContinuing EducationFirst NameLast NameSuffixJr.Sr.IIIIIIIVVChosen First NameDate of BirthDate of BirthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Contact InformationEmail AddressConfirm Email AddressWould you like to be on our mailing list for information, event invitations, and more?You can opt-out at any time by contacting admissions@southernct.eduWould you like to be on our mailing list for information, event invitations, and more?You can opt-out at any time by contacting admissions@southernct.eduYesNoOpt-in HIDDENOpt-in HIDDENYesNoMailing AddressMailing AddressCountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeAcademic InformationStudent Type Selection:-First-year student: This is my first semester studying at a college/university or I have earned 12 or fewer credits from attending another college/university before this.-Transfer student: I earned college level credit after graduating high school or obtaining my GED.Student TypeFirst YearTransferAnticipated Start TermSpring 2025Fall 2025Spring 2026Fall 2026Spring 2027Fall 2027Fall 2028Fall 2029Intended MajorAnthropology - Archaeology - BSAnthropology - BAAnthropology - Biological Anthropology - BSAnthropology - Cultural Anthropology - BSAnthropology - General - BSAnthropology - Linguistics - BSArt Education - BSArt History - BAAthletic Training - BS to MAT Accelerated PathwayBehavioral Neuroscience - BSBiology - BABiology - General - BSBiology - Pre-Med - BSBiology - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSBiotechnology - BSBusiness Administration - Accounting - BSBusiness Administration - Business Economics - BSBusiness Administration - Business Information Systems - BSBusiness Administration - Finance - BSBusiness Administration - Human Resource Management – BSBusiness Administration - International Business - BSBusiness Administration - Management - BSBusiness Administration - Marketing - BSChemistry - Biochemistry - BSChemistry - Environmental Chemistry - BSChemistry - General - BAChemistry - General - BSChemistry - Pre-Health - BSChemistry - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSCommunication Disorders - BSCommunication, Media, and Screen Studies - Film, Television, and Media Production - BACommunication, Media, and Screen Studies - General - BAComputer Science - General - BSComputer Science - Information Systems - BSData Science - BSEarly Childhood Education - BSEarth Science - BAEarth Science - Environmental Science - BSEarth Science - General - BSEarth Science - Geology - BSEarth Science - Natural Hazards - BSEarth Science - Natural Resources - BSEarth Science - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSEconomics - BAElementary Education - Bilingual - BSElementary Education - BSEnergy and Utility Leadership - BSEnglish - Creative Writing - BAEnglish - English Studies - BAEnglish - Professional Writing - BAEnglish - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSEnvironmental Studies and Geography - BAEnvironmental Systems and Sustainability Studies - Coastal Marine Systems - BSEnvironmental Systems and Sustainability Studies - Environmental Systems - BSEnvironmental Systems and Sustainability Studies - Sustainability Science and Environmental Policy - BSExercise and Sport Science - Allied Health - BSExercise and Sport Science - Sport Science - BSExploratory - Arts and Humanities (Undeclared)Exploratory - Business (Undeclared)Exploratory - Education (Undeclared)Exploratory - Health and Human Services (Undeclared)Exploratory - Social and Behavioral Sciences (Undeclared)Exploratory - STEM (Undeclared)Exploratory - Still Deciding (Undeclared)French - BAFrench - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSGeneral Studies - Business Theme - BAGeneral Studies - Educational Studies - BAGeneral Studies - Health and Community Service - BAGeneral Studies - Humanities Theme - BAGeneral Studies - Self-Designed Theme - BAGeneral Studies - Social Science Theme - BAGeneral Studies - STEM Theme - BAGeography - Geographic Information Science and Technology - BSHealth and Wellness Coaching - BSHealth Science - BHScHealthcare Management - BSHealthcare Studies - Clinical Trials Administration and Practice – BSHealthcare Studies - General - BSHealthcare Studies - Speech Language Pathology Assistant - BSHealthcare Studies - STEM Foundations of NursingHealthcare Studies - Therapeutic Recreation in Aging - BSHistory - BAHistory - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSInterdisciplinary Studies - BAInterdisciplinary Studies - BSItalian - BAItalian - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSJournalism - BAJournalism - BSMathematics - Applied - BSMathematics - BSMathematics - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSMathematics - Statistics - BSMusic - BAMusic Therapy - BSNursing - Accelerated Career Entry (ACE) - BSNursing - BSNursing - For RN's - BSPhilosophy - BAPhysical Education - preK-12 School Health Education - BS to MS Accelerated PathwayPhysical Education - preK-12 Teacher Certification - BSPhysics - BAPhysics - Engineering - BSPhysics - General - BSPhysics - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSPolitical Science - BAPolitical Science - General - BSPolitical Science - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSPsychology - Applied Behavior Analysis - BSPsychology - BAPsychology - BSPsychology - Mental Health - BAPublic Health - BSRecreational Therapy - BSRecreational Therapy - Child Life Specialist - BSRecreational Therapy - Rehabilitation (RT-OT) - BSRecreational Therapy - Youth Development and Leadership - BSRespiratory Therapy - Leadership - BSRTRespiratory Therapy - Leadership - BSRT OnlineSocial Work - BSSociology - BASociology - Criminology and Criminal Justice - BSSpanish - Health and Human Service Professional - BSSpanish - Hispanic Studies - BSSpanish - Secondary Education 7-12 - BSSpanish - Translation Studies - BSSpecial Education - K-12 - BSSpecial-Elementary Education Collaborative - BSSport Management - BSSport Management - Online - BSStudio Art - BAStudio Art - Ceramics - BSStudio Art - Graphic Design - BSStudio Art - Jewelry and Metals - BSStudio Art - Painting - BSStudio Art - Photography and Video - BSStudio Art - Printmaking - BSStudio Art - Sculpture - BSTheatre - BATourism, Hospitality, and Event Management - Event Management - BSTourism, Hospitality, and Event Management - Hospitality - BSTourism, Hospitality, and Event Management - Tourism - BSLast School AttendedCEEB Code - HIDDENParent/Guardian First NameParent/Guardian Last NameParent/Guardian EmailWhich activities are you interested in? (Select all that apply).Which activities are you interested in? (Select all that apply).Academic ClubsArtBaseballBasketballCampus Tour GuideCheerleadingClubs and OrganizationsCommunity Service groupsCoop or InternshipsCross CountryDanceDebateDrama/TheaterEsportsField HockeyFootballFraternity or SororityGolfGymnasticsHonors CollegeIce HockeyIntramural AthleticsLacrosseLiterary PublicationsMusic - BandMusic - ChorusMusic - Concert BandMusic - DrumlineMusic - Gospel ChoirMusic - InstrumentalMusic - OrchestraMusic - Pep BandMusic - VocalPolitical OrganizationsRacial or Ethnic OrganizationsRadio-TVReligious OrganizationsRugbySoccerSocial Justice ActivismSoftballStudent GovernmentStudy AbroadSwimmingSymphonic Pulse Dance CompanyTrackUltimate FrisbeeVarsity AthleticsVeterans AffairsVolleyballfirst source interaction - RFI form (HIDDEN)UG: RFI FormsSubmit